Wednesday, June 27, 2012

More great Harry Potter studio tour info

There was lots of other cool stuff we saw on the tour. I just skipped to the end because it was my favorite part. Now we'll go back.
In the big room with all the indoor sets they had Gryffindor Common Room, Harry's dorm room and Harry's cupboard under the stairs. We also got to see Dumbledore's Office, the potions room and The Burrow kitchen. There was also the Ministry of Magic including the fountain of wizards on top of muggles ("Magic is Might"). The had Umbridge's disgusting pink office. There was also a section on Special Effects.

The section with Special effects was really, really cool. You got to go on a broom in front of a green screen. It was really bouncy and they played scenes of places from the movie so it seemed like you were really flying. I got a picture of myself flying over Hogwarts.
Next we went outside and got butterbeer. It tasted like vanilla whip cream on top of cream soda. I liked it a lot.

 Outside there was also the Knight Bus, the Weasley's flying car, Sirius' motorcycle and some buildings.

I got my picture in front of Number 4 Privet Drive and the Potter's cottage in Godric's Hollow.

Then we went back inside and saw the creature shop. In the creature shop, the first thing you see is about 20 creature heads-house elves, goblins, merpeople, etc.

Then you go into a room with Buckbeat, Aragog, the basilisk and a miniature horntail dragon.

Then we arrived at Diagon Alley. the first thing I saw there was a store for cauldrons. the second thing I saw was Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. the hat lifted off the statue of one of the twin's head, but no rabbit. We asked about this and were told that the rabbit was digitally added later.

All and all I thought it was the coolest thing I ever did. I bought a Gryffindor t-shirt, The Monster Book Of Monsters and a Chocolate Frog. Then we went back outside and left Warner Brothers Studio.

The End

Sunday, June 24, 2012

For All You Harry Potter Fans

The Harry Potter Adventure (written in multiple parts)
Today (6/20) I went to the Harry Potter Studio. The first thing I did was to go on a bus. I know it soundes (sounds) boring but it was rilly (really) fun!

Then wen (when) I saw the studio I knew it was going to be HUGE! 

And it was but it looks like I'm done so see you next time!

Then we went inside and had lunch. I was rilly ancshis (really anxious) to go in. I kept asking to go in. Then wen (when) we did go in thay (they) showd (showed) us a move (movie). On the skren (screen) they shode (showed) Daniul Radclif (Daniel Radcliffe), Rupert Grint and Emma Watson in front of the Grate Hall (Great Hall). Thay (they) talked for a littl (little) bit. Then thay (they) went throo (through) the doors.

Then the screen liftid (lifted) and thar (there) were the doors thea (they) just went throo(through)!

Evrebody (Everybody) got up and entrd (entered) the Grat Hall (The Great Hall). It had all the houses tables plus what robes looked like from each house.

We then got to go by ourselves into a big room with lots of sets from the movies and little knick knacks (like Salazar Slytherin's ring) and big knick knacks (The Goblet of Fire for instance).

(We did some more things which I will write about later.)

My favrite (favorite) part was the end. Thar (There) was a giant replaca (replica) of Hogwarts! It...was...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Harry Potter Day 2

Hay (Hey) guys, today I went to Diagon Ally! I acshly (actually) went to ware (where) it was inspird (inspired)! But first we went to ware (where) Honeydukes was inspird (inspired)! The plase (place) was called Hardys Swet (Sweet) Shop! We even got some candy and a Harry Pottr (Potter) swets (sweets) bag! That's really all we did there, but I still have a couple more things to look forward to.
3 more days until we go to HP tour

(It is titled Day 2 because Day 1 was going to see Platform 9 3/4.)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Queens Ice and Bowl

Hi Giys (Guys)-

Today I went to the ice bolw (bowl)! It's a ice rink and a bowling ally all in one bilding (building)!

We all did bowling and Molly and Noah went ice skating. I just wacht (watched) and made sowe balls (snowballs)! I watched the zambony. A zambony is sumthing (something) that smooths the ice.

Shopping Part 1

Today I went shoping (shopping)! The mall was huge! The things we got are in the list beloe (below):
1. Mash A Monster
2. A Cheer full Monky (A Cheerful Monkey)

3. A new pare (pair) of shoos (shoes)

4. A puzle (puzzle) ball
More next time!
See yu (you)!

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Greenwich Observatory

Hay thar Gyis (Hey there guys),
A cupl das ago (couple days ago) i went to the Greenwich Observatory. It wasint (wasn't) vary (very) fun , but its the funist I hav (have) to write. (goes). (I'll hav (have) more later.) 1. First I went on a boat down the rivr tem (River Thames) to get thar (there)...

2. Then we had to walk a really long time up a really steep hill to get to the observatory.
3. Once we got up to the observatory the first thing I saw was a telescope.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tower of London continued

[At the Crown Jewels]... I rilly (really) didnt do mutch (much) thar (there) mosetly (mostly) becaus (because) I ran throo (through) it intill (until) I came to a canvar belt (conveyor belt). The vary (very) first thing I saw was the suvrn scepter (Sovereign Scepter). And the cristl (crystal) at the end is called the Cullunin one (Cullinan I). That's all in that sekshon (section). Next we went to a chrch (church) and the plaes (place) ware (where) they decapatatad peploe (decapitated people)!

Traitor's Gate

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Tower of London

Today I went to the towr (Tower) of London. And I achly (actually) know ware (where) it is. it's on towr (Tower) Hill (IRONIC!).

the frst (The first) thing we saw was a exabishon (exhibition) calld (called) tourchr in the towr (Torture In The Tower). But it was vary (very) short. thar (There) were only two rooms. One room had like this chart thingy. The othre (other) one had this thing calld (called) a rak (rack). A rack pulls your body apart.

The next thing we saw were the ravens. the ravans (The ravens) had difrintt (different) culord (colored) leg bnds (bands). eche cuolr reprasentid (Each color represented) a diffrint (different) name. One that we saw was calld (called) Porsha. She had a lite (light) blue leg band. then we saw the crown juls (Crown Jewels).
To be continued...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Holland Park Adventure Playground

Hi Gys (Guys)

Yestrday (Yesterday) we went to anothr (another) atventchr park (adventure park)! And this one was even bettr (better)! Thars (There's) a zip line and a rope swing! And the zip line has a seet (seat) so you can sit or stand! The rope swings are cool becaus (because) one you can sit on and one you can just holde (hold)on for dere (dear) life! Thats rilly (really) all I hade (had) fun with so by (bye). I know wate (what) were (we're) going to do today.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Yestrday we went to the quens dimond jubally [Queen's Diamond Jubilee]! Thar [there] were abawt [about] two hundrid boats that went to the towre [tower] of London. I cowd [could] not see on the grownd [ground] so I climd [climbed] up on top a statue.

Theyr was a grat vuwe [view]!

The frst boat I saw we thot [thought] was the queen's!

The secont rilly [second really] cool boat was a army ship. i had trits [turrets] and guns + it was huge!

The therd cool ship was a steem ship. it had steem comeing from evry direcshon [every direction]! The coolist one was a fire ship. The pepole [people] on bord had hosise [hoses]! Unluckly they only sprade [sprayed] the other side.

That's a-a-a-a-a-all foces [folks]!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Aquarium

We went to the Aquarium. Wene (When) we came out the frst (first) thing we saw was Big Ben!

Then I saw the London Eye.

Then we went to the Aquarium. thar (There) ware (were) lots of sharks! (like 50)

Then we saw thes (these) huge fish that were like Hwiie or Japinys (Hawaiian or Japanese). then (Then) we went to see sting rays. the (The) sting rays were kinde (kind) of boring so we went to see more fish. As soon as we got to the next room I saw a huge ded (dead) turtle. I went strat (straight) ovre (over) to the tabl (table) ware (where) they were leting (letting) pepole (people) hold it. I asked if I could. Then I got to hold it. It was really heavy. I thought the Aquarium was really fun.

Mom writes:
I thought the coolest part of the Aquarium was when you first come in it is very dark and you have to walk across a glass walkway with sharks and fish swimming under you. It feels like you might fall through. Very scary.