Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tower of London continued

[At the Crown Jewels]... I rilly (really) didnt do mutch (much) thar (there) mosetly (mostly) becaus (because) I ran throo (through) it intill (until) I came to a canvar belt (conveyor belt). The vary (very) first thing I saw was the suvrn scepter (Sovereign Scepter). And the cristl (crystal) at the end is called the Cullunin one (Cullinan I). That's all in that sekshon (section). Next we went to a chrch (church) and the plaes (place) ware (where) they decapatatad peploe (decapitated people)!

Traitor's Gate

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Did you find any decapitated heads lying around that they forgot to pick up? I wonder if this comment will be approved by the moderator. Uncle Jon
