Thursday, July 12, 2012

Horseback Riding in Hyde Park

Today I went horseback riding.

It was really, really fun and really, really terrifying. The fun part was I was actually on a vehicle that could think for itself. Plus, it got to be like minecraft when you are riding a cow (because there aren't horses in minecraft). The terrifying part was I kept thinking that I might fall off because the horse was really shaky. Plus it was very uncomfortable. I had to hold on with only four fingers. The pinky held on to the saddle. The saddle itself was really uncomfortable. There was a big lump in the middle that was really hard.

I went around Hyde Park on the horse with my instructor. My horse was named Sherman. I also got to feed a carrot to a horse named Thomas.

I might want to try more horseback riding in Seattle.


  1. You're very brave Nate! Good thing it related to Minecraft somehow :)
    Uncle Jon

  2. Sounds like you had a good time! I haven't been horseback riding since I was a teenager, but I do remember it being both fun and terrifying.
