Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Science Museum

Today I went to the Siince (Science) Museum. We went to the Atmisfere Chang (Atmosphere Change Exhibit). 

We olso (also) went to the Lanchpad (Launchpad) (Not a reell (real) lanchpad (launchpad)). It's a plas (place) with lots of hands on experamints (experiments). I allso (also) went to the GIFTSHOP (of cors (Of course) I did. it's in my nature!) I got a window walker, a puzzle cube (not a Rubik's cube) and a bouncy ball. This is my second time visiting the science museum.


From Mom (Molly):
We stopped inside the lobby of the Victoria and Albert Museum on our way to the Science Museum. They had this beautiful Chihuly chandelier. (All the way to London to see a Chihuly. Fancy that!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Natural History Museum

Nate here.
today I went to the Natural History Museum. Here are the things we did:
We went to the Dinosor (dinosaur) exibit (exhibit) (egnst (against) my oun (own) will!) then we went to the maml (mammal) arya (area) and a blue wale (whale). it was Huge! Then we went in to the gift shop! I got a Qwill (quill) and ink. then we went outside and got ice crem (cream)!

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Weekend

Hey guys,
I did a lot this weekend. Here is one sentence for each thing I did:
1. I went to regents Park.

2. I visitid (visited) my cosons (cousins). thay (They) liv (live) in a plas (place) calld (called) Pottrs Bar (Potters Bar). (HA! they liv (live) nere (near) Harry Pottrs (Potter's) Bar.) thay (They) have a swing set and a pool! it All was rilly (really)  fun!

I'll talk more about more things I did this weekend later.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Circus

today we went to the street circus and I got to help in the act! the pruformins (performance) was rilly (really) funy (funny).

Befor (Before) the prfomins (performance) we got to clime (climb) on sum (some) brons (bronze) lions.

We also got to eat on copsis (corpses') gravs (graves) in the cript (crypt) cafe undr (under) a chrch (church). And all that in trafalgar Sqar (Trafalgar Square). Oh I allmoste (almost) forgot we allso (also) made bras (brass) rubings (rubbings).

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Playground

Yesterday I went to a rilly (really) small but fun playgrawnd (playground). When we got thear (there) I went strat (straight) to the spinrs (spinners). Spinrs (Spinners) are cresont (crescent) shape spining (spinning) things that you can spin. There were lots of kids there from a school across the street. It was supre (super) fun playing with kids.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Haye (Hey) Guys
IM (I'm) at Hogwarts rite (right) now. And wene (when) i got the Letr (letter) I went wooo hooo! fastr (faster) than you cowde (could) say Quidditch! Heres pruf (proof).

We achuly (actually) were just at Kings Cros (Cross) but we did still get to see it! While we were at Kings Cros (Cross) I went to a bookstor (bookstore) with Hary Pottr (Harry Potter) stuf (stuff). I got a time trnre (turner) and a pop up book on Hary Pottr (Harry Potter)!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The London Eye

Yestrday (Yesterday) I went to the London eye! It was asume (awesome)! The London eye is a rilly (really) big faris (ferris) wheel! I could see Big Ben, the Parliament, And M.i.6. The Parliament is whar (where) all the Guvrmint (government) meets. M.i.6. is British inteligins (Intelligence).

Monday, May 21, 2012

Adventure In The Park

Hay (Hey) Guys!
At the Adventhr (adventure) Park i Made A frend (friend) named Markas But He Levs (leaves) today. I Baryd (burried) Him in Sand And Made A volkano with Him. I also Made A Bunch of tonls (tunnels) kenekting (connecting) to echuthr (each other) and then we jumpt (jumped) on it! It was supr(super) fun! I Hope to Go Back sumtime (sometime).

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Having fun in London

Hey guys Im having a rilly good time in London. I went to the since [science] museum and went to an advetshr [adventure] park. It was asume [awesome].

Now I'm rilly in to English tv because of its game show called COPYCATS. Im also rill [real] in to crumpits (a crupit is prity much puffy toast).

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Guten Tag

I had a really fun time in Germany and the plane ride was super short so I didn’t have to sit down a lot. We went to three castles. Most of them were by the Rhine.
If you didn’t know what the Rhine is, it’s a famous German river.

One of the castles was famous because a dragon was supposed to be kept in the mountain it was on. (Drachenfels—“Dragon Rock”)

We also went to a Beer Garden and don’t worry I didn’t have beer. The main things I ate in Germany were pizza (not a lot) called flamkuchen, sausage and bratwurst and Sprite. The Beer Garden had a big trampoline and I almost grabbed the top side. There was also a small playground near the trampoline.

Now were in London. I’ll tell you more about that later.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I went to see Spiderman at Broadway.  It was super fun!  Here are some pictures of my souvenir program.

Monday, May 7, 2012

In The Central Park Zoo

Where's  Skipper? Where's Rico? They are probably on a mission.

Today we went to the central park zoo. It was really really fun!!!

Check out this video of the entrance clock to the zoo on youtube.

In New York now

Having a really good time; went to Times Square, here's a picture.

Isn't that cool!!

In times square there was a toys r us with a ferris wheel and giant candy!!!!
