Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Natural History Museum

Nate here.
today I went to the Natural History Museum. Here are the things we did:
We went to the Dinosor (dinosaur) exibit (exhibit) (egnst (against) my oun (own) will!) then we went to the maml (mammal) arya (area) and a blue wale (whale). it was Huge! Then we went in to the gift shop! I got a Qwill (quill) and ink. then we went outside and got ice crem (cream)!


  1. Looks like a lot of fun you are having. Hope you are enjoying spending time with all your visitors! I can't wait to see you guys in 2 days and have you show me all the cool places you've discovered!

  2. Yes it was definitely against your own will - good detail. Remember who got you ice cream? Uncle Jon
