Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Haye (Hey) Guys
IM (I'm) at Hogwarts rite (right) now. And wene (when) i got the Letr (letter) I went wooo hooo! fastr (faster) than you cowde (could) say Quidditch! Heres pruf (proof).

We achuly (actually) were just at Kings Cros (Cross) but we did still get to see it! While we were at Kings Cros (Cross) I went to a bookstor (bookstore) with Hary Pottr (Harry Potter) stuf (stuff). I got a time trnre (turner) and a pop up book on Hary Pottr (Harry Potter)!


  1. A pop up Harry Potter book, now that sounds cool!

  2. Nate (and Noah)- the boys miss you! Looks like a crazy adventure. Have a scone or crumpet for us! The andersons
